Nothing screams royalty like a ruby. Rubies are found in many areas of the world, but Burmese rubies are the most valued for their deep rich color and quality. Rubies have been the gemstone of choice for generations of monarchs for good reason. They come in a wide variety of splendid colors ranging from light pink to deep, rich, dark red. The most prized variety is known as pigeon blood-red. That is the color of royalty. Its rich, sparkling, red color evokes passion like no other gem on earth. A Corundum There are two types of gemstones in the corundum family. Rubies are the red variety of this type of gem. All other colors ranging from yellow to blue are known as sapphires. Corundums are the crystal form of aluminum oxide, which is a mineral that forms a hard rock making for very solid, durable gems. The gems coming from this family are so hard they can withstand almost any normal use and are able to scratch other minerals, leaving behind a white streak without damaging their own luster. July's Gem The ruby is the birthstone signifying the month of July. Regardless of when you were born, however, ruby jewelry is a perennial favorite. Quality Grading The method used to judge the quality of a ruby is mainly visual. Rubies are inspected by sight when held up to light. There are no perfectly flawless rubies, so the fewer dark spots, fine lines or fissures, known as inclusions, the more valuable they are. A consistent blood red (pigeon blood-red) is the most expensive and sought after color. A ruby of that color with no inclusions visible to the naked eye will cost many times the amount of one much larger of a different color or with minor spots or scratches. Examine rubies under a variety of lighting to gauge how they will look in normal use. Florescent lighting is the worst type of light to view a gem under because that type of light is 'red deficient' and will pale the color of a ruby. When purchasing a ruby it is a good idea to examine the piece under a jeweler's microscope to look for cloudiness caused by spots or scratches that might not be visible to the naked eye. These can worsen over time, becoming readily apparent on sight, and should be considered in the price of the jewel. If a scratch inside of the gem reaches up to the surface of the stone, reconsider that piece, as over time it is likely to worsen and cause the stone to crack. Coat Cover Ask the seller if the gem has been coated with any coverings. Many times a ruby will be coated with chemicals that hide surface flaws. Those coatings will dissolve overtime, allowing the marks to show through. Other times, different coatings are used to intensify the color or deepen the natural color of the gem. Those coatings will also wear off, leaving the owner with a lesser colored gem. Rubies treated with either coating type should have prices that reflect the eventual wearing off of the coatings and lesser quality gems. Synthetics There are synthetic rubies that appear perfect in every way but lack overall value because they are not real. In fact, the very way to tell for sure if a ruby is a true gemstone, or a synthetic knock off is to examine it carefully for imperfections that all true real rubies will have to one degree or another. Synthetic stones are 'too perfect' and will have no spots, scratches, or color variations inside the stone. Value - Size Matters Of course all other things being equal the bigger the gemstone the more it is worth. There is no better investment than gemstones. What other investment is so beautiful to look at and can be enjoyed while it increases in value? Well chosen rubies will hold their value well and increase over time making them a solid and valuable addition to your treasures.
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